Here's some music while you scroll :)   (Genshin has very good music)

The song is from the 4.0 trailer ost

This Youtube video gives a brief preview of each region

so far as of 9.6.2023 regions up to Fontaine has been released.

There are 7 elements in the game: pyro, hydro, dendro, electro, anemo, cryo, and geo.

Each character will have one of these elements and different elements can react with each other. For example, dendro and pyro can cause burning. Electro, hydro, dendro together can cause hyperbloom. Right now, many players prefer dendro based reactions, because the reactions are so strong that you don't have to build your characters much. This may all be confusing for new players, so here is a youtube video that explain dendro reactions.

The Archons

There are 7 archons that won after the archon war. Each Archon is associated with an element and an ideal.

Some Important Update Banners

(each update is pretty important because there's alot of new content, but these are some of my favorites or the ones I consider important to the story.

Wish to get a character!---------->

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